Welfare is one of the most heated debates among American citizens. Those who believe it’s a poor use of government spending are always at odds with those who keep getting the checks in the mail. Anybody able to approach the topic from an outside perspective can see why the entire concept of welfare might be upsetting to people who actually work for a living.
While there might some rare cases where people actually need government assistance, a majority of Americans currently on welfare are either immigrants or people who don’t want to work because they the government keeps sending them money, like the 30-year-old mother from Baltimore who has been on welfare for 12 years.
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She looks a little to young to retire just yet.!!!
Well there you go, she’s collecting her reparations!!
I am so sorry that this has affected the children of our president. I suggest that we as loyal citizens of the United States boycott the stores that made it their business to try to squelch free-speech of ALL Americans but those they choose to follow out of fear!
What beast all ways herd beast come out government is she awesome they grode golden UE
One Lazy Bxxxx !!!!
Cut the witch off she will work
Wearing a wife beater with ink.
Well that’s a nice tat from welfare! Cut her off!
Hope she has lost all government assistance. Maybe the Social Security which we seniors paid for all of our working lives can finally get decent yearly raises again.