Welfare is one of the most heated debates among American citizens. Those who believe it’s a poor use of government spending are always at odds with those who keep getting the checks in the mail. Anybody able to approach the topic from an outside perspective can see why the entire concept of welfare might be upsetting to people who actually work for a living.
While there might some rare cases where people actually need government assistance, a majority of Americans currently on welfare are either immigrants or people who don’t want to work because they the government keeps sending them money, like the 30-year-old mother from Baltimore who has been on welfare for 12 years.
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The problem is you have minorities working in the welfare offices grant welfare to these minorities you need to get reliable people in these jobs maybe it’d be a good job for our veterans
Let them starve.
I didn’t kll myself working 35 years and destroying my back so I barely walk to give you the tax monet I pay
Time she goes a job!
This video has been around since 2012
Any excuse to be lazy, and have everyone else pay your way. Good news is leeches can be removed.
Get a f***** job!!!!!
You better get a job because your Obama phone is about ready to get disconnected LOL
It’s the government’s fault for continually entitling her.