Baltimore resident, Kiara, a mother of four, has been on welfare for 12 years. When asked about what effort she’s made to get off of government assistance, she claimed she hadn’t made one because she doesn’t see the need to. She not only lives off the government’s money, but she feels she’s entitled to it.
She has been on welfare since the age of 18. That’s 12 years she’s been receiving government aid.
This is one of many cases of welfare abuse in America. With our national debt sitting just north of $18 trillion. People like Kiara aren’t helping lower that number. In rare cases, some people might actually need welfare, but there’s no question that the United States is in need of an overhaul to the entire welfare system.
Welfare Reform needed now!!!
She is hot. I suggest a deal – if my tax money must be used to pay welfare queens for having kids, I should be able to inspect, and use the “factory floor”. Once a week I should be able to see a return for my investment by her giving me the service I am paying her for – paid to be on her back.