Have you ever decided to put on a hooded jacket in the rain so you could stay warm and dry? Well, a proposed law is trying to make this a crime.
Regulations on the clothing you can wear aren’t really a new thing. But these laws are mostly in places notoriously known for their statism. Places like France or even China.
Unlike other laws on clothes, this law is actually way closer to home – in Oklahoma.
You? ???????????????????
Yes Hector, I was bused to an all black school, and had my lunch money stolen and bus fair stolen every day, so yes and I seen racist black people every day. So yes I have trust issues.
CUSTOMERS????? We are the BOSS… they are the public servants…
^ that little girl looks like she’s about to stroller jack somebody 🙂
So…..the brilliant () individuals that came up with this idea got how many millions?
Your dolly and nobody gets hurt. snicker
Lol John, I like this meme
Well in rural USA we wear hoodies and $#%&!@*ers don’t come sagging. Not that we don’t have problems, just not those ones.
Ours end up whooped or worse.
you got to be kidding