Hillary Clinton has finally revealed why she lost the 2016 presidential race.
Of course, we have known why she lost for months. Clinton was a terrible candidate from the very beginning. She represented an America that is largely in the nation’s past, as she wasn’t liberal enough for progressives but was a non-starter with the GOP. Most importantly, she was never as interesting as her husband and was nearly invisible next to Trump.
And then there were the scandals — Benghazi, emails servers, and collusion with theDNC.
But in an interview this week, Clinton appeared to take the blame for her loss… for a few seconds.
Immediately after claiming “absolute personal responsibility” for her terrible campaign, she began to list the reasons why it wasn’t her fault America picked Trump.
See why Clinton thinks she would have won the election (if it were held in October) on the next page:
Jeez lady weren’t those YOUR e-mails……Was and still is a LOOSER!!
How many “one things” are you going to blame it on, stupid? How about your competition was just better than you and you lost. THE END
Doesn’t change the content of what was released now does It? She just don’t get it.
The best the DNC has to offer and then stills complains about Trump ?
Both of you party groups get off your A’s and work for the little people that you are destroying and pays your outrageous salaries…!
It is you and only you that caused you’re loss in the election! All of your vile disgusting lies and filthy corruption and treasonous acts … Own it .. it’s all your own doing ! Thank God you Lost you vile disgusting lying murderous swamp witch !
she is such a joke.
She was never going to win. She pissed off the Bernie supporters for one and every one else thought and still she’s a dirtbag!
Doesn’t she realize she would have been rip for an impeachment as her criminal behaviors were revealed. One Clinton impeachment is enough!
YOU LOST! Dip stick!!!!!
Go away. Your day has come and gone. Tired of your lying face.