As a choir of progressive and media voices raises its voices to sing against President Donald Trump, Congresswoman Maxine Waters has stepped forward as the choir director.
Opening the hymnal of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) songs, Ms. Waters sings the praises of impeachment. Apparently, she is hung up on the punishment while still searching for a crime.
Even before President Trump was elected, Waters was a highly vocal critic. Since his inauguration, she’s become the poster girl for TDS.
The Democrat Waters is the Representative of the 43rd Congressional District in California. The district covers much of south Los Angeles, from Inglewood down to Torrance and Carson. She’s been a member of Congress since 1991 and is the former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.
This past weekend she ratcheted up the rhetoric, going beyond mere criticism to adopt a more combative tone that bordered on the edges of inciting violence against President Trump. Learn the details on the next page.
Cowards….will not stand up against the terrorist regime B.Hussein Obama …
Talking head, crazy Bitch
Maxine Waters, you belong in a straight jacket.
Arrest her for sedition and treason she is not above the law
She’s got her big mouth open catching flies again. She loves eating those nasty maggots
She needs a straight jacket
I know- right? I said the same thing!!!
Vice presidental material for Pocahontas presidential run
25th amendment was put in because Ike had a heart attack, and Nixon had thing in his leg, not a mental disability. A mental disability could apply to 2/3 of congress. Very hard to pull off and make stick. Need 2/3 vote in both houses. Talk a lot, without much studying the rules. Framers did not want that.
Dumb Ass