While this number may seem rather small considering the sample size, the fact that even this many samples of water were found to be potentially toxic in a first world, industrialized nation like the US should really alarm Americans. It is especially concerning when one realizes that even developing countries have stricter standards than the Environmental Protection Agency when it comes to water:
“EPA limits, by the way, are much higher than what the United Nations requires for third world nations. So even water the EPA declares to be ‘safe’ for Americans to drink may be considered unfit for human consumption in places like Somalia. (How’s that for a little factoid you didn’t expect?)
The fact that we are seeing 2.5% of water samples contain illegally high heavy metals indicates that tens of millions of Americans are right now consuming toxic water across America. Make sure one of them isn’t you. Use a Big Berkey gravity water filter to remove nearly all toxic elements from your water before drinking or cooking with it.
More water testing is under way at CWC Labs, so keep sending municipal water samples if you’d like them tested. You can find instructions and our mailing address at this link on EPAwatch.org.”
Source: Natural News
Are you using water drawn from the water plants, before it is piped to the homes, schools, and businesses as controls in your “experiment”? Flint, Michigan, for example: the water being delivered to the customers meets standards. The problems occur when the buildings have old lead pipes that leech minerals into the water. Now, as we all know, the building owner is responsible for the pipes from the water lead into and through the establishment, not the municipality providing the water. All older cities and buildings with lead pipes likely have the same problems as Flint, and more and more incidences of water at the tap being contaminated will come to light sooner than later. Your study could provide valuable information, but only if you include controls.
Because the epa has long since managed to officiate the tightening of limits to the point that, by and large, it is impossible for anyone outside a lab to generate samples with in “acceptable” tolerances. More over and per the epa fault lies with the consumer/citizen by default with guilt assumed before contact has even been established.
In short, just another beyond ridiculously corrupt alphabet composite comprised of unelected administrative thugs and political activists holding and abusing positions of enormous influence and impact that should never in a million years have been made accessible to a bureaucrat.
Maybe, like every other number published by this group, the standards are not acheivable! Do you hear of people dying?
Cancer deaths are high its not something many think about until it happens to someone u love
Not enough fluoride or chlorine ????
…I assume that’s sarcasm.
looks like none of the government are doing their jobs-fire them all-they are just there for a paycheck its sounds like
Ah just shut up and drink the poison !
Yeah especially Flint