The Obama administration is currently violating a judge’s order to turn over documents regarding the shooting down of a U.S. helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, killing the members of SEAL Team 6 on August 6, 2011 in Afghanistan, according to a watchdog group.
Families of those killed say they are deeply troubled that the Obama admin is stifling the investigation.
“It has now been four years since Extortion 17 was shot down,” said Doug Hamburger, father of Army air crew Patrick, who was one of the 30 Americans killed in the worst one-day loss of military life during the war on terror. “I find it quite disturbing that the government is not willing to give us the answers we deserve. I find it very irritating that we will not question the Afghans about their knowledge of what took place that night.”
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Hate to say it, but I believe the CIA or some other executive agency took out the SEALS..
Thats the kind of cruel thing that he and his administration are known for .
lets not pin this solely on Obama .. all our presidents are merely puppets there is nothing honorable in our government period anymore.
They won’t get nothing until he is out of office. I think he offered them up to the enemy as well as bengahzi
When you get into that office you do as you’re told not as you want. People really think a 4 to 8 year span is a long time. All the hate on both sides is just a clever way to control folks. Wake up people.
Jail them all…
bammy & his flunkies are TEACHING OUR CHILDREN THAT IT’S JUST FINE TO BREAK THE LAWS OF OUR COUNTRY AND HERE ARE THE LESSONS FOR YOU LEARN ON HOW TO DO IT. What are ALL of the REAL parents going to do about PROTECTING their children from bammy & his flunkies disobedience????????
so why is congress not doing something about it? if congress does not act, they are giving their consent to obama. take back America and keep our Cons$#%&!@*ution intact.
He thinks he can’t be stopped
Will the brave holders of the truth kindly come to the surface with the evidence needed to put this matter to rest for the SEALs and their families, and may justice be done for them as well.