After taking office, President Donald Trump formed a commission to look into voter fraud and determine better ways to protect the integrity of the vote.
He signed an executive order on May 11 creating the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. Vice President Mike Pence serves as chairman and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is vice chair. The group held its first meeting on July 19.
Speaking to the commission, President Trump emphasized the importance of “upholding the integrity of the ballot box and the principle of one person, one vote.”
Immediately left-wing groups and Democrat politicians criticized creation of the commission, insisting as always there is no voter fraud and that the president just wants to suppress minority voting.
If there is no voter fraud, why aren’t leftists supporting the commission to prove they’re correct?
A Florida-based non-profit watchdog group has just released a study indicating widespread instances of “double voting” in 21 states.
Learn what “double voting” is and how it might be spreading across the United States, along with other fraudulent methods. Find out on the next page how the group uncovered the voter fraud and its mission going forward.
Need voter I.D. with current photo and proof of citizenship. I asked that we have this during the ladt election but nothing was dine. Unless we all insist on these rules, nothing will be done to stop the fraud again next time. There should be a way to stop people from using the names of the dead also.
keep after it. When it hits 3 mil+ HRC’s argument can be flushed down the toilet.
The people we elect SHOULD reflect our wishes, unfortunately more often they don’t.
They have always blamed Republicans for the very things THEY are instead doing!! It’s been done as long as I can remember.
Imagine that ! ! !
Paul Alan Dorich Show me just where Trump defended Russia . This is just pure b******t . It was just anounced that he backs thew sanctions or did you miss that . Maybe it fell on deaf ears .
Paul Alan Dorich Show me where there is a law that prohibits someone running for office to take damaging information from another country . Also why isnt it a big deal to you that Hillarys team did the same thing and yet here you are attacking Trump and his character for the same thing . My god . Two waystreet guy . Glass house thing .
Paul Alan Dorich Hiding taxes ? My taxes are none of your business either and neither are Trumps . The year in question is still in an audit so , hell yes . Besides Trumps taxes have absolutely nothing to do with what he does in office . How come you dont want to talk about Obama sucking other guys off before he became POTUS and from what I have seen he and Reggie Love continued even in the White House . Seems to me the POTUS wiping white runny stuff out of the corner of his mouth should be of some importance .
You need a birth certificate that way you will know for sure.