The nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute (GAI) issued results of a new study that uncovered 8,471 instances of double voting in 21 states during the 2016 election.
Double voting means cases in which individuals were registered to vote in more than one jurisdiction within a state and did so, or people who registered in more than one state and voted twice.
While examining voter data from 21 states, GAI analysts found 7,271 ballots were cast in more than one state by individuals with the identical first and last name, middle initial, birthdate, and partial Social Security number.
Another 1,200 double votes were found using the same criteria within the same state.
Given the high methodological bar employed, GAI says the statistical probability of correctly matching two records with the same name, birthdate, and Social Security number is close to 100 percent.”
What makes the 37-page study unique is that most voter fraud analyses use statistical models to project fraud rates while GAI did actual matches of real votes cast using public voter information.
GAI says the reason it only examined 21 states is because the government watchdog group encountered numerous hurdles in gathering state voter data, including: “exorbitant costs,” woefully disorganized and incomplete data, and “outright rejected requests” from states. Still, “extending GAI’s conservative matching method to include all 50 states would indicate an expected minimum of 45,000 high-confidence duplicate voting matches.”
The report indicates currently no government agencies or private entities compare all state voter rolls to detect duplicate voting fraud.
Individuals casting more than one ballot is just one method of voter fraud. Other common types include: noncitizen voting (hello, California); falsifying registration information; or destruction of cast ballots.
The GAI study raises another serious issue not considered when voter fraud is discussed. Do the 8,741 instances of double voting indicate votes cast by the same person or could identity fraud be a factor as well? The watchdog group believes that possibility bears investigation.
GAI was founded in 2012 by investigative author Peter Schweitzer and former Breitbart chief Steve Bannon, with funding from Robert Mercer and family. Schweitzer serves as president of the group, which is based in Tallahassee, Florida.
GAI’s stated mission is to: “Investigate and expose crony capitalism, misuse of taxpayer monies, and other governmental corruption or malfeasance.”
Source: Breitbart
This Commission must bring the states to verify the accuracy or the lack of it to prove the validity of the votes!