The Department of Justice internal agency watchdog reports more than 650 ethical violations by DOJ lawyers, but refuses to release the identity of the perpetrators. The Office of Professional Responsibility discovered and documented the ethical rule violations spanning the period from 2002 to 2013, including 400 cases of recklessness or intentional misconduct, according to the OPR’s standards.
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DOJ upholds a practice of not disclosing the names of lawyers identified by OPR as having committed offenses.“The result: the Department, its lawyers, and the internal watchdog office itself are insulated from meaningful public scrutiny and accountability,” concluded the Project on Government Oversight.
Federal attorneys misled courts at least 48 times, including 20 intentional violations, breached constitutional or civil rights 13 times, and did not provide exculpatory information to defendants 29 times, according to OPR.
OPR also found examples in fiscal year 2012 in which lawyers were given brief suspensions or letters of admonishment for severe instances of misconduct.
Source: The Daily Caller
Photo: DonkeyHotey on Flickr
damn it release that $#%&!@*
That is a very good likeness of Holder the racist bitch.
Holder is a liar and law breaker, just like his boss, there is only one way to deal with them: bring charges to court and to the News, so people can be informed, then they will know to vote Republican Senators into office, to stop past lawlessness.
Ezekiel 22:28New International Version (NIV)
28 Her prophets whitewash these deeds for them by false visions and lying divinations. They say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says’—when the Lord has not spoken.
ted says:
“Ezekiel 22:28New International Version (NIV)
28 Her prophets whitewash these deeds for them by false visions and lying divinations. They say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says’—when the Lord has not spoken.”
Google pay 97$ per hour my last pay check was $8500 working 1o hours a week online. My younger brother friend has been averaging 12k for months now and he works about 22 hours a week.
I cant believe how easy it was once I tried it out. This is what I do
Don’t include ONLY
Was the communist world to give birth to all the world and the human world are born to the communists!
Humans have the world communist and communist people still have with the human world!
Communist people can not take place after the people who died and with his communist continues until no longer communist ourselves anymore; Humans have the same communist world. Communist world with the world itself is the beginning of the world and is also the final destination for symbiosis and communist worlds!
When the symbiotic world back in the communist world, the human world and the communist left to live long and people with communist people living together; , The world, the human world and the communist human habitation to another. Therefore the communist world, the human world communism, the communist world, to humans; The symbiotic or communism which all led to a pursuit that would live long and the communists to sustain life!
When the communist world and not the pursuit of symbiosis for the life of the world, the human world there are not the same thing and each person has a different way of symbiosis; But the symbiosis means never want to lose the differences which also leads to a common sense, it is desirable to be living! The way each person has a communist myself, other human world with the human world communism, communist world other than symbiosis and that is a common sense of the human world people and the communist world should live or not the same! All have the same pursuit of life or not? Therefore symbiosis, communism is undeniable in the pursuit of living forever and people of the world!
Today’s world, the human world and humans shared with the communists themselves and the human world and the world to the communist world. People in any world is a unity, happiness can not infringe upon the independence and rights of ownership, freedom to live, no one can violate, or split apart.
On the basis of the spirit of responsibility to the world;
On the spiritual platform, responsibilities and obligations to the human world is very small;
When people are not communist with the communist world, the communist world; Independence for bourgeois behavior associated action of the proletariat in the Communist man man! Freedom for communist human! Happily for the human dialectic!
And when people are born dead time to return to the world!
When people with communist communist world, the world Because adoption; Freedom for communist human-based Liberty – Equality – Fraternity and must always be guaranteed the rights of the communist man!
People with the communist man is not distinguished man to man
On the basis of communist and progressive people, people with the world’s people towards independence and integrity of any intruders honor and dignity to the world production of human stem!
Anti-discrimination and condemnation of national consciousness in all its forms narrow selfish nature race
Anti-discrimination and condemnation of caste, class content in all human relations of production
Anti-discrimination and condemns all forms of social production relations man
With all the spirit in the world because there’s always towards survival for humans forever, of the world, from the people, for the people and by the world; People’s living his truth, and to restrict together gradually remove barriers of state violence in the world! Along with that, with all the social status of human habitation; People with jobs and the production of remanufactured engines survive through social labor under the act of bourgeois centralized tools and live action production proletariat in the world, to the pursuit of social for his life from the survival motor. Inseparable from the natural world and the world of human society, can not separate personal world and the world of human society, can not be separated from production and employment proletarian action in productive labor Remanufactured engines producing human life as a dialectical movement of people living with components of the world, society, human.
Yes, nice, is not it inevitable that have beautiful, natural beauty that does not stumble? Yes, the beauty of life and of human reality and action in life concept is a beauty!
World with the world – Man with the human world – Man with his communist man! So there’s World – Because human life – Because there’s!
Unity – Unity – solidarity! SUCCESS – SUCCESS – GREAT SUCCESS!
Ho Chi Minh City, 03/10/2014
Signed: For Adoption
Damn it Congress, do your GD job and quit being sissy-girls
Holder is one of the most evil, underhanded people I have ever seen! Lawyers and Accountants are supposed to be held to the highest levels of decency, honesty and devotion to their oaths, but anyone afflicted with association with Holder is nothing!
What’s new???