The Department of Justice internal agency watchdog reports more than 650 ethical violations by DOJ lawyers, but refuses to release the identity of the perpetrators. The Office of Professional Responsibility discovered and documented the ethical rule violations spanning the period from 2002 to 2013, including 400 cases of recklessness or intentional misconduct, according to the OPR’s standards.
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DOJ upholds a practice of not disclosing the names of lawyers identified by OPR as having committed offenses.“The result: the Department, its lawyers, and the internal watchdog office itself are insulated from meaningful public scrutiny and accountability,” concluded the Project on Government Oversight.
Federal attorneys misled courts at least 48 times, including 20 intentional violations, breached constitutional or civil rights 13 times, and did not provide exculpatory information to defendants 29 times, according to OPR.
OPR also found examples in fiscal year 2012 in which lawyers were given brief suspensions or letters of admonishment for severe instances of misconduct.
Source: The Daily Caller
Photo: DonkeyHotey on Flickr
I favor Vlad Putin and his old KGB boys investigate Obama and Holder! There would be only one result, execution!
Holder is another criminal!
Fry his ASS !!!!
People we definitely have to unite and take back control of DC and the WH or this will only get worse and they are doing all this at our expense so I guess if you are that rich that you don’t care about this bull, then go back in your cave and hibernate as America may not be here tomorrow
북한은 지금 고립되어 외롭습니다. 정주영 현대 총수가 이북 실향민 에게 도움을 줄려고 아산 목장에서 소 천마리를 북에 주었으며 금강산 관광을 가능 하게 하였죠.북한에서 이북의 지령을 받았다고 의심 하고 있고 지금 새민련 국회의원 이랑 질적으로 틀리며 이석기.정 모모 랑 다르죠. 김대중대통령은 노벨 평화상을 받았지만 숨은 공신은 현대 그룹 총수 정 주영이라 생각 하며 정주영 그기 이북 사람이라 고향이 그리워 하였고 동포는 하나다 란 일념으로 북에 기업이 할수 있는 정부의 정책에 어긋나지 않게 하며 천천히 남북 화합 을 도모 하였다고 봅니다.북한은 지금도 식량이 부족 하지만 군사력은 세계에서 우위에 들어 갑니다 고구려의 강인한 위상이 남아 있기에 가능 하며 우리는 통일 대한 민국을 만들어야 합니다. 우린 역사적으로 침략의 역사,강대국의 길목에 있는 선한 민족이였지만 우리는 내유 외강으로 세계에 나아 가야 할때 라고 생각 합니다.
1분 · 좋아요
DOJ is afraid to start prosicution of the offenders becase, there no end to the number of cases.
Our lying president’s hatchet man.
The real question is how much in bonuses did they receive?
I would rather read the post than look at the distorted pic…..His natural face is enough of a turn off!