Remember all of the times the federal government and the liberal media have mocked and jabbed at Republicans and Conservatives for saying the voting system is rigged? They promised the voting system in America is fair and that their machines couldn’t be tampered with. In the video on the next page, not only are they proven wrong, but it’s also demonstrated how simple it is to do it.
Let’s face it, the American voting system is flawed and controlled. The evidence is obvious. Look at the recent tampering of Republican votes that were intended for Donald Trump being transferred to Marco Rubio. Or how about the Bernie Sanders campaign workers voting for Sanders in states that they don’t live. Then there’s the programmer who testified under oath that he was hired to rig elections.
The evidence is blatantly obvious. Last year, it was discovered that voting machines in Chicago were rigged to always vote democratic. One such machine was even caught on camera performing this dirty deed.
See a voting machine get hacked on the next page.
Hack them
paper ballots only
Now that’s scary
Well, they were rigged the last election.
This sucks
Let’s go back to paper ballots.
Dumbassocraps say this doesn’t happen. Well at least there ain’t no hanging chads. White paper and black markers indelible ink on right hand after voting vote once only.
Maybe we need a print out for each voter, a paper trail, and a clearing house of the evidence, mailed in by each voter with a Franking stamp of each Governor.