It’s hard to get through the first minute of the video below without shaking your head. When Dice asks a couple to sign the petition stating that it’ll make things easier for trans-women who “still have a penis” it’s literally impossible not to laugh. Not only do people not understand exactly what Dice is asking, they’re agreeing with him and telling to “keep up the good work”.
Urinals in the women’s restroom…
Obama will ram it down our throats! and bte Liz Morgan, I raised three sons and they did not under any circumstances share a bathroom with any men until they were big, strong and had been taught to take care of themselves. get over it. there will be No Penis’ seen in any bathroom I ever use! If he/she wants to go into a stall and sit like a women, I have no quarrel. What I will not tolerate a he/she that wants the outward female trappings but is unwilling to say goodby to their plaything. As in Cait Jenner who sat back, crossed leg over the other in a ooohh so male manner and said, hmm don’t think I really want to do that. Just another 21st century Obama cluster ….
…..born stupid…..they can’t help it!
We have some crazies in this country. Those women who want urinals in the bathroom don’t know what they are in for. Smell one after men have used it.
Why not, the government required Braille instructions on drive-up ATM machines?
I don’t think we should be writing all these small complaints, there are more of us than them, we should all refuse to do business or trade with any of the companies who add this feature to their restrooms. When they see what they are going to lose, they will change their minds. So let’s all band together. Strength in numbers.
Duh? Is this stupid or what?