The Republican National Committee just unveiled one of the best weapons to sum up Hillary’s emailgate, servergate, stupidgate–you call it what you want. It is a quick summary of Hillary’s “story” 54 seconds of pure Hill-arity. It stars Hill, her brilliant Communications Director Jen Palmieri —stuttering, a “way back machine” scene with Obama, and much, much, more– do not miss and remember to share!
Commit the clip to memory after the break:
Ha, best headline ever
She is the picture next to liar in the dictionary
Maybe shackles on her cankles.
oh that is my dream for the world! I do Pray she takes them all down with her! BUT, we all know this will never happen, they will protect her so they can remain safe & sound!
She and Bill have exposes their hypocrisy, and criminal and treasonous behavior so many times, and left a small wake of dead bodies in their path. When will they realize the american public are through with them?
God–I hope so!!! He is just as much in this mess as she is–this is why nothing has been done about her–too higher ups involved-nobody wants to rock the cradle-probably involve every higher up Democrat also–can’t go there-you know!!!!
Just your color Hillary, wear if for many many years. We remember Benghazi, do you?
Hil is sliding down the hill and fast.
For the orange suits.
_ Hideous hillary _