But what could possibly be more important than the mainstream media’s favorite distraction of the moment, stirring up discontent about the Confederate flag? Eric July has the perfect answer and he blasts it at the media via a Youtube video. Eric is the vocalist for street hop/metal band, BackWordz and he lays down a challenge to the media in just 92 seconds.
Check out his message on the Next Page:
U.S. blacks are being used to help annihilate Whity. Anti America self hating White abolitionist never cease instigating race and religious wars.
He told the truth
Is that General Lee flying in a tornado…Lmao..!!
Who the hack is he?
Exactly!! It should be a hot topic, a long with many more, like 9/11 being an inside job and the biggest BS hoax ever, or the TPP deal that just p$#%&!@*ed while every one was paying attention to a fking flag & gay marriage!!! Taking down the Confederate flag from government, or state establishments is one thing, but destroying & removing Confederate monuments, and digging up Confederate soldiers is NO different than ISIS destroying monuments in Syria & Iraq!!! Yeah James we know we lost the war, and Lee surrendered first, so that gives ppl the right to disrespect our heritage??? The fking $#%&!@* was a symbol of the Sun first, so whats your point??? All these people crying about the Confederate flag being a symbol of hate is pathetic! I leave Symbols to the Symbol minded.
The TPP deal makes NAFTA look pathetic! Its WAY worse than NAFTA, its NAFTA on steroids!!
Ignorance and hatred never builds up, they tear up and destroy what would otherwise be beautiful human beings.
Listen up..This has been going on for how long now?how come it’s just now bothering you? Did you just wake up..well I’m proud! Help the people.But can it be,reversed?
I dont care if hes right beat him with a club
He’s 1000% right but the media and the politicians won’t admit it. Keep talking Eric July. Godspeed.