The GOP Debate in Boulder, Colorado shocked Americans. The evidence of the main stream media’s bias was on overdrive, with moderators taking their talking points straight from Media Matters, a propaganda news outlet for the left. This is not an exaggeration.
Before the halfway point of the two hour debate, the tides turned when the questions were so absurd, the panel of candidates banded together and blasted back with criticisms of the moderators. Marco Rubio, Chris Christie and Ted Cruz led the charge, with Mike Huckabee turning the tables as the moderators baited him to give a moral judgement on Donald Trump.
Huckabee hurled back with a soliloquy, ending with “I’m wearing a Donald Trump tie, so take that”. Never have the American electorate had to endure such an unprofessional display of total bias, agenda driven debate coming from the moderators.
More on main stream media’s bias at GOP debate next page
Liberal Morons
Obviously biased moderators
Hope people read your comments they are so true,
They deserved it
You should bring people from around the country to ask a Question and bring out one person at a time and ask them all the same question and see who answers it the best way.This would be the fairest way.we would then know who was the best person.That is what we want to know in the end.
They needed ti be bood they were horrible
The 3 STOOGE”S!!! They were DISGUSTING!!!
YOUR NOT IN SHOW BIZ ! Try acting like journlists !!
They were idiots to ask those questions they knew what they were doing.
can’t remember any questions like this tossed at O