This debate will go down in the annals as the debate that changed all debates. The moderators should be required to pass a test of competency. They had no notes to back up their claims, so in essence the moderators were talking heads with no legitimacy.
At one point, moderator Becky Quick, asked Trump “where did I get that information?” Quick asked Trump to tell her where she, the one asking the questions, came up with her information for a question she just asked.
Wednesday at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, the anchors and candidates battled with the blusterous booing audience in heavy support of the candidates.
It started when CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood asked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, “Is this a comic book version of the president?”
Then Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) scolded the anchors of the debate for asking only inflammatory questions, saying, “Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary.”
And that point by Cruz, that the moderators have no intention of voting in any GOP primary pointed to the huge problem with these GOP debates. With the main stream media reaching the heights of being “a Super Pac for the Democrats” a line by Sen.Rubio, the GOP’s Reince Priebus must demand unbiased moderators who will be voting in the GOP primary.
For as entertaining as this debate became in exposing the main stream media, the American electorate deserve a fair professional debate for substantive information that is crucial to electing the next President.
Below videos, first video clips from the GOP debate, second video demonstrates how the women on the View are an example of low intellect liberal females bashing another female [Carly Fiorina]. If this had been Hillary Clinton, cries of bigotry toward women, and objectifying a powerful female would be going viral all over the internet.
Source: Breitbart News
Mainstream is one word, What is your problem Truth and Action writers?
Yeah, and Titanic just stopped for a little ice…
“Know your enemy”….. Sun Tzu….
Megyn Kelly was just as bad as these three…….case closed.
The media is about liberal propaganda not ACTUAL information.