The Washington Times has reported on Hussein Obama’s ‘secret’ backing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Of course, this is hardly a secret these days.
The news agency cites a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11, which was drawn up in 2011 for the purpose of supporting political reform in North Africa and the Middle East.
The Washington Times states that attempts to get the Obama admin to release this directive with the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. The White House, however, has exempted themselves from the FOIA, which would explain the difficulty.
Ya don’t say!?
Not so secret…we have seen his actions and heard his ‘blather’ for 7 3/4 years :'(
It is no secret that obama is backing the muslim brotherhood. If you see and hear of all the things he is doing for them, their could be no question about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@
He said he would stand with the muslims years ago and was voted into office twice. Their are a lot of not to bright people. The government should be purged of every muslim obama has appointed. Get rid of the odor of doubt.
I have said it before and I’ll say it Gin give me the power to do the right thing and rid washington
Nooooooooo? Ya don’t say?
It’s not really a secret.
once a muslim always a muslim