The Washington Times has reported on Hussein Obama’s ‘secret’ backing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Of course, this is hardly a secret these days.
The news agency cites a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11, which was drawn up in 2011 for the purpose of supporting political reform in North Africa and the Middle East.
The Washington Times states that attempts to get the Obama admin to release this directive with the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. The White House, however, has exempted themselves from the FOIA, which would explain the difficulty.
It’s no secret
Secretly? Who’s it a secret to? We know.
That is no secret, all you have todo is listen to him and open your eyes, he is a muslim POS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Secretly? ?? He’s frik’in blatant about it.
That’s why seniors get no raises,USA Soldiers and Vets no $$,and less $$ for the Pentagon/1.1 trillion $$ went from SS to musliums//Kilary get $$100 million from Saudia A. Kings and other musliums countries//now Obama gonna give native Indians $$ from USA cause there land was taken away,why cuba and mexico gets millions,taking and giving away USA $$$$$$$$$$$$,is his hobby//
That is NO secret……..we already know this!
whydon,t the cowards arrest thi traitor treason fruad hundreds of crimes against america just like killary disgrace ,both should be hung.
Everyone knows that!!!
I think our first clue was his middle name. Hello
It’s no secret.