The Washington Times has reported on Hussein Obama’s ‘secret’ backing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Of course, this is hardly a secret these days.
The news agency cites a secret directive called Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11, which was drawn up in 2011 for the purpose of supporting political reform in North Africa and the Middle East.
The Washington Times states that attempts to get the Obama admin to release this directive with the Freedom of Information Act have been unsuccessful. The White House, however, has exempted themselves from the FOIA, which would explain the difficulty.
He’s one of them.
TRUMP IS WINNING…weak little man and incompetent Hillary.
It’s no secret, we know he is backing the muslims..!
Secretly?? What’s the secret? Look at how many Muslims are in influential positions. Look at the sheik of whatever is having a secret meeting at the white house with Obama. Look at the number of Muslims that are supposed to be refugees. It is no secret. We are being snookered and screwed.
No secret about this ruthless liar, He’s been out front and dirty since day one of his election.
Secretly???????????????? What do you mean, Secretly????????? He is doing it so OPEN that even the House and Senate can see it but they can’t or will not do anything about it. Our military men are chewing at the bits, wanting to arrest him, but because of the rules, they can’t. And the House and Senate refuses to do anything. SO!!!!
That ain’t no secret !!!
No secretly about it.
Backing the Muslim Brotherhood? Yes. Secretly? No. He’s actually very open about it.