According to the Washington Times, in the three months following the Ferguson riots our federal government has shipped nearly 4,000 assault rifles into local law enforcement agencies.
This represents a huge surge in the amount of military armament being handed out to your local police and sheriff’s offices.
Simma down, now. Simma down.
Well this is what they are going to need with these Radical People. They are asking for it. including that Mayor of New York. He is a Idiot.They Have Let them Fan the Flames to Get to This. Who ever Thought it would come to this Nothing New about this with This Government Fanning the Flames of Hell.
We had up til the late 70’s Peace Officers dressed in blue there to help we now have LAW ENFORCEMENT storm troopers dressed in black tactical gear just like the SS
when this happens Obama will not step down as President, he will spread this crountry wide
He has turned this country upside down and there hasn’t been any repercussion . What the hell is wrong with everyone ?
Any costume at all is a precursor to another. Are cops constitutional ???? No.
But yet he supports the protesters. Guess we know who he wants to win here. Blacks lives matter but maybe not so much?
If Washington was concerned with riots and such would they allow Obama to bring in five million illegal aliens and give them driver’s license and Amnesty? He is planning something seriously wrong!!
is this to make the followers of Ovomit stronger in order to take over once Marshall law is declared
In Obama World for he wants control and can destroy any one who apposes him.