According to the Washington Times, in the three months following the Ferguson riots our federal government has shipped nearly 4,000 assault rifles into local law enforcement agencies.
This represents a huge surge in the amount of military armament being handed out to your local police and sheriff’s offices.
That Started When Obama Got Elected, Remember That When You Vote Vote Again For A Liberal With The Power Of The Predident
Our lazy sefl absored, freeloading , intercity ,has become a battle ground.
it started when liberals sided with criminals and not the people they victimize
will the president force Law Enforcement to turn their assault rifles against us?
When people act like this.
How bout don’t act like an idiot and if you’re that scared by an AR.
because police have to change with the times, though pulling someone over dressed like that would be quite extreme
since we allowing Jesus and morals to be taken out of schools and usa
When people started shooting cop’s and rioting and burning down buildings!