It’s becoming increasingly clear that no event is tragic enough to get some on the left to rally behind our nation’s police. Despite the fact that last week’s Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas provided the most deadly day for law enforcement since September 11th, many police are finding that they’re still not being embraced by liberals across the country.
In fact, the situation seems to be getting worse. It’s as if the murder of five police officers has emboldened the left’s assault on police — like they’ve won their first battle of many.
The most apparent sign of this is the growing number of liberal establishments that will not allow local police forces on their premises. One local shop in Washington state — which had served cops prior to the attack — has made this stance official.
See what they told one cop who tried to dine on their establishment on the next page:
Tough being a liberal
As I feel bad for the owner about the backlash everyone needs to understand if you draw a line in the sand like saying police are not allowed to eat in your restaurant then you (or your employees ) have made a decision that has consequences. So as on owner Think First! Train your employees to Think. If they have issues and don’t want to serve someone because they are black, white, gay, male, female, transgender, police or what ever then Maybe you don’t need those people in your employment…even if they are a family member.
when they ned a cop dont show
How can it be legal to banthe police but illegal to ban Muslims.Go to hell obummer
The owner deserves to be in tears after allowing this to happen.
If there was ever an argument for assimilation and the learning of the English language, this would be it.
So when they are robbed and they WILL be robbed, Who they gonna call ? Ghostbusters ? Cause if the police are no longer welcome at the restaurant how are they going to respond ? I guess the owner can come to the station to report the crime. Hopefully no patrons will be injured by the thugs that ARE welcome at the restaurant. Although I believe there won’t be many customers going there after the news gets out. Liberalism is a disease. PERIOD !!
Great work folks.
Shut their$#%&!@*down
Jared Studelska Snopes.. They are liberal media and liers..