According to Washington State Senator Mark Miloscia, and former B52 nuclear bomber pilot, we are at imminent risk of being attacked.
Mark Miloscia said the danger to Washington, which is the closest part of the lower 48 states to North Korea, was ‘starting to become imminent’.
And he warned that the threat was growing with each weapons test, urging lawmakers to back the bid for an emergency response plan when they meet tomorrow.
And State Senator Milosia warns that none of the safeguards in place during previous close encounters with nuclear war are present in unfolding North Korean nuclear crises.
He said: ‘In the Cuban Missile Crisis we had the institution of the red phone, and various ways of contacting each other militarily to make sure we don’t escalate.
‘None of that exists with North Korea. With the current regime, we don’t even have anything close to the controls over the relationships we had with the Soviet Politburo and its leaders.
‘And I don’t think they have any sort of rational contact with any of their neighbours that we can deal with… Given that, we hope for the best but we have to plan for the worst.’
Under current rules, Washington state is prevented from planning an emergency response to a nuclear attack.
State Senator Milsocia feels that it is his duty as a public servant to not ignore the facts and start preparing to protect his district from impending nuclear destruction.
‘We should have some sort of pre-planned response ready,’ he said. ‘Because the threat is growing and the threat is starting to become imminent. And not to do so would be a dereliction of duty.’
He continued: ‘I think it’s a real threat, if not in the short term then in the foreseeable future… initially I thought three to five years, but it could be even sooner.
‘I think we would be completely wrong to ignore it… There may be a better target for North Korea i.e. Hawaii, which is a little bit closer.
‘But I would put Seattle as one of the top five targets in the north-west to go against, both militarily and economically, for any sort of adversary.’
Way too many people are comforted by the fact the U.S. has 2nd strike nuclear capabilities. Yes, that is good and all of that. But, it will do nothing to stop the decade’s long destruction that will be the reality if North Korea hits us first.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing
Hiroshima aftermath
North Korea already has nuclear warheads, and the ability to shoot off ballistic missiles further than the island of Japan. It will only be a matter of time, will it not?
Source: Daily Mail
Sure Trump wil get blamed for Whatever vomes
No let’s take them to lunch nothing again
You mean these House’s that we are paying 2,000 in rent for won’t protect us from its blast ? Damn now I believe you guys are over charging on rent .