A writer at the Washington Post has a proposition to heal the racial divide: give blacks reparations in the form of having their vote count more than whites.
Theodore R. Johnson, current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University, believes the racial divide will not resolve until some form reparations are made.
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Do that & That will devide the people even more…But that is what the Democrats want…A country of no unity
Do you even have a job? One that supports you.
That is an ignorant biased statement!
BLM and the like aren’t for equality. They are black supermacists.
They vote two and three times ,that’s how the communist democrats get their votes..they the democrats use people as their pawns..
why we all get just one….
They kind of do since you idiots vote two and three times…the joke is in you though… it’s the money that’s making the rules
Off the chart crazy.
Why exactly?? Go ahead I’ll wait! Lmao