A writer at the Washington Post has a proposition to heal the racial divide: give blacks reparations in the form of having their vote count more than whites.
Theodore R. Johnson, current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University, believes the racial divide will not resolve until some form reparations are made.
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This is the liberal mentality that our universities are pumping out.
Why because they are twice as stupid not smart enough to figure out how to get ID to vote come on you mindless morons get a life grow up
Why , because stupid blacks say so. Most of them do nothing to help our economy. But they demand a lot.of s**t
How stupid
why what happened to all races being equal it was going good there for a while till osama obama had 8 years to divide a nation he did it and wanted the muzzie invasion to happen that$#%&!@*sucker
Bait news
Just some more hate stuff! Love the diversity of color! God loves us all!
You just cain’t fix stupid !!!!
Now why would that be?