A writer at the Washington Post has a proposition to heal the racial divide: give blacks reparations in the form of having their vote count more than whites.
Theodore R. Johnson, current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University, believes the racial divide will not resolve until some form reparations are made.
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I like that idea!!!
yeah because none of them have never paid taxs, fools.
All votes count unless your illegal
It is tome to put an end to all this black matters more than white . God put us all here to live together. There is no black and white in God’s eyes all are equals. Obama started all of this c**p. He needs to be run out of our country
God loves everybody. Everybody has equal rights.
Ignorance at it’s best
The way the blacks have been backstabbing the public I think a lot of them should lose their voting privilege.
Nope!!!!! One person one vote.
The black vote is already being overcounted. Especially the dead ones.