A writer at the Washington Post has a proposition to heal the racial divide: give blacks reparations in the form of having their vote count more than whites.
Theodore R. Johnson, current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University, believes the racial divide will not resolve until some form reparations are made.
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Yeah, right
See what happens when people try and fight for equal rights and equality. 50 years later now they think they own the fucking country.
Every vote is equal. No one is better then the next person. So negros you want more on your vote go vote in a African election. That if the Muslims don’t enslaved you first and cut you in pieces
Shut the hell up dumbass!
Why do you have white on your face are you have . Fool.
And the insanity comtinues…
F**k you
drop dead obama stooges
Question to you mindless orphans! Why?……..most of you are gangsters, never voted, don’t support your children out of wedlock , you don’t want to work a real job, you cry for everything and you get it and still cry, explain how you plan on becoming a real support of our country to make your vote count if you don’t and can’t support our country. Face it your mentally out numbered 1 Republican black to 10 Democrat blacks and you still don’t represent your own country and by the way Asians, Mexicans, are stronger and more understanding of the support and the power of voting than you do, hell they out rank you in intelligence and power mater of fact so dose the Muslim screwing a goat