A writer at the Washington Post has a proposition to heal the racial divide: give blacks reparations in the form of having their vote count more than whites.
Theodore R. Johnson, current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University, believes the racial divide will not resolve until some form reparations are made.
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You’re stupid
Ahhhh ha ha ha. …..one person, one vote! Oh, and dead people can’t vote, and foreigners, and convicts who lost their freedom. Common sense rules little kids could calculate why.
But all this topsee turvee new reality tO brainwash and confuse people to believe good is bad and bad is good, and up is down and down is up, and night is day and day is night, this psycho dialogue that is a terrible smoke screen for corruption, hurts everyone. And sadly everyone ends up victim except the spiders spinning the web. They spin for personal agenda and gain. Sad sad sad.
Why. No. Should be equal.
Why, we are all americians all votes count. Except for illegals. Or the deceased . Only legal votes count.
Don’t be a jackass, and first off if you do not have an ID you should not be able to vote at all, also if you were not a productive member of society contributing to society then you should not be able to vote as well, no contribution no vote
S**t maggots.
This Washington Post writer is racist
In America all people are treated equal some just don’t want to understand that so they act stupid
Let’s all pitch in to send them to the middle East for a week and let them see how lucky they are to be in this county