A writer at the Washington Post has a proposition to heal the racial divide: give blacks reparations in the form of having their vote count more than whites.
Theodore R. Johnson, current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University, believes the racial divide will not resolve until some form reparations are made.
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oh grow up
Actually Bill Oxendine it is true. People are bused into voting areas & then onto another & another. JW James Popper investigated voter fraud in 11 states & found that this was happening. Also undocumenteds were voting in several other states including NY & CA. LA had 145% who voted…more than the number of people registered to vote. SD & SF had similar percentages. When these people are voting illegally, most are voting Democrat because when you have Democrats in power, you get more “free things”. This is why Democrats want illegals to be able to vote…legally.
Dividing writer
Race baiter
Let’s have the folks from the areas that are draining the national depth down do all the voting, lol.. that’s like having a blind man fly you in an airplane! It doesn’t get more racist than this does it? Maybe we white folks need to reiterate the decision of letting blacks vote.
Blacks have no more rights than whites. You vote once unless you are a democrat.
Maybe in your fantasy world… Here in the U.S. we are equal
the democrats ture there back on them what in the hell are you take about
If Blacks are fighting for equality, then we both only count as one, not two!
That’s the problem with these people they want everything for nothing they’re nothing but a bunch of little$#%&!@*babies little pussies is all y’all are come on grow up you dumb mother f***** get some respect