A writer at the Washington Post has a proposition to heal the racial divide: give blacks reparations in the form of having their vote count more than whites.
Theodore R. Johnson, current Ph.D candidate in law and policy at Northeastern University, believes the racial divide will not resolve until some form reparations are made.
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It’s all about division and the liberals hold the championship belt in that arena.
Uh. No$#%&!@* Nobody is better than anybody. How the$#%&!@*are we supposed to be equal when people do stupid$#%&!@*like this.
Totally absurd
Moron monkey
So much for equality.
They say they want equality, but they don’t really. What they want is preferential treatment at the expense of whites.
F them … enough this black c**p !
Such looosers..
if they would get out and work they would not have time to screw up the world