For a man who many claimed had “zero chance” of winning a general election, Donald Trump’s detractors are sure putting a lot of effort into smearing the presidential candidate before voting begins this November.
Before Mr. Trump was the presumptive Republican nominee, the responsibility to expose the candidate’s shortcomings was often left to political pundits and reporters otherwise tasked with stories ranging far beyond Trump’s background. Apparently, this model has proved insufficient, as it hasn’t managed to dredge up any of the salacious, candidacy ending scandals the media has no doubt been hoping for.
Instead of acknowledging that these scandals may not exist, however, media giants are now assigning armies of investigative journalists to comb through every bit of Mr. Trump’s past in hopes of uncovering something that can finally put an end to the era of Trump.
Continue reading on the next page to see which national newspaper has begun this all-out offensive on the GOP presidential hopeful.
Trump is an open book. What is the use of wasting money to investigate him. People accept him the way he is.
S-L-O-W media day and who reads that rag anyway
Hell, maybe it they dig enough they’ll be able to come up with all of Obama’s SEALED records or the trail of millions that was being passed to Congress men and women to vote through the Fast Track of Obama’s America destroying Trade Deal. Maybe they can also shine the light on all the doings of the Black Caucus members who think they are above the law and don’t have to pay their millions owed to the IRS, or other lawless BS they pull on a daily basis. Of course there is all the ILLEGAL Activity being perpetrated by Pelosi, Reid, and their families that no one wants to ‘DIG’ into because they are Democrats. There is so much treason and lawlessness by the majority of the other Democrat and Republican CROOKS in the Senate and House that hypocrites like this POS owner of WaPo and Amazon couldn’t care less about because they don’t threaten his power and lawlessness like Trump will.
Here is the reality Jason – It’s all a lie made up by the liberal media and spoon fed to any idiot who won’t question it because they think he really did succeed at something besides destroying America from the inside. You have been blindly following the head racist for almost 8 years now because you’re to stubborn to admit he is the primary cause of racial tension today.
This is the work of the devil. No one did this to Obama and no one certainly has done it to Clinton. All her c**p is hid and her tax returns are doctored or stuff hid in Clinton Foundation.
maybe someone should dig through the wash.posts owners past
Couple things for you dummies, i I’ll be as simple as possible do you people can understand it. Calling Obama a racist for weak fearful rubes having a poor reaction to him being twice elected by a landslide is stupid. Jason Flynn the deficit has been cut by 2/3 under the Obama administration. I think you meant debt. We are 19 trillion dollars in debt. We would have a surplus, just like Clinton had if not for Bush. See, we actually keep track of this stuff very carefully. Bush is responsible for 84% of that 19 trillion dollars, wrap your tiny brain around that Jason. See not paying for two wars, a prescription drug plan and a massive tax giveaway to the wealthy while growing a new branch of Government to adds up. We assign debt to who created it and the policies that created it, not to the grown up who simply put them on the books. Making stupid vague assertions isn’t an argument Larry Linch.
Couple things for you dummies, i I’ll be as simple as possible so you people can understand it. Calling Obama a racist for weak fearful rubes having a poor reaction to him being twice elected by a landslide is stupid. Jason Flynn the deficit has been cut by 2/3 under the Obama administration. I think you meant debt. We are 19 trillion dollars in debt. We would have a surplus, just like Clinton had if not for Bush. See, we actually keep track of this stuff very carefully. Bush is responsible for 84% of that 19 trillion dollars, wrap your tiny brain around that Jason. See not paying for two wars, a prescription drug plan and a massive tax giveaway to the wealthy while growing a new branch of Government to adds up. We assign debt to who created it and the policies that created it, not to the grown up who simply put them on the books. Making stupid vague assertions isn’t an argument Larry Linch.
Couple things for you dummies, I’ll be as simple as possible so you people can understand it. Calling Obama a racist for weak fearful rubes having a poor reaction to him being twice elected by a landslide is stupid. Jason Flynn the deficit has been cut by 2/3 under the Obama administration. I think you meant debt. We are 19 trillion dollars in debt. We would have a surplus, just like Clinton had if not for Bush. See, we actually keep track of this stuff very carefully. Bush is responsible for 84% of that 19 trillion dollars, wrap your tiny brain around that Jason. See not paying for two wars, a prescription drug plan and a massive tax giveaway to the wealthy while growing a new branch of Government to adds up. We assign debt to who created it and the policies that created it, not to the grown up who simply put them on the books. Making stupid vague assertions isn’t an argument Larry Linch.
Couple things for you dummies, I’ll be as simple as possible so you people can understand it. Calling Obama a racist for weak fearful rubes having a poor reaction to him being twice elected by a landslide is stupid. Jason Flynn the deficit has been cut by 2/3 under the Obama administration. I think you meant debt. We are 19 trillion dollars in debt. We would have a surplus, just like Clinton had if not for Bush. See, we actually keep track of this stuff very carefully. Bush is responsible for 84% of that 19 trillion dollars, wrap your tiny brain around that Jason. See not paying for two wars, a prescription drug plan and a massive tax giveaway to the wealthy while growing a new branch of Government adds up. We assign debt to who created it and the policies that created it, not to the grown up who simply put them on the books. Making stupid vague assertions isn’t an argument Larry Linch.