The mainstream media can’t seem to figure out why Hillary Clinton lost in November — but they’ve got a few working theories.
According to the press, Clinton’s loss had nothing to do with her own shortcomings. It wasn’t because she failed to visit Wisconsin — a state she lost to Donald Trump — nor was it her relative lack of interest in Pennsylvania and Michigan. They also refuse to acknowledge the fact that Clinton had no platform other than attacking Trump.
Instead, they think the reasons are less obvious — and more sinister.
If you haven’t guessed it yet, they’re decided that Clinton lost because of racism.
This theory may not make much sense, since both candidates were white, but it’s not new. The media tried peddling this absurd theory long before Clinton lost.
Now that Clinton reemerged from post-election hiding, the media are once again trying to defend her loss with accusations of racism.
Read about the Washington Post’s latest racist accusations against Trump supporters on the next page:
could it be that American women were disgusted by her curruption, disgraced husband, and stance on abortion during the 9th month, or could it be her email server she bleached? No you say, how about Bengazi, her f**e attack,, or her collapsing in public and showed into her limo, or the wall around her home when she didn’t think the USA deserved protection. No you say, could it be her open border policy? Could it be thee Clinton Foundation ISIS donations? Could it be her stance on planned parenthood to kill African American babies. No, we’ll maybe we just didn’t like her crossed eyes. Could never tell what she was looking at. Maybe it was because she received debate questions before the debate. No, really, how about she never did anything for the American people in her 30 years of service. She is a criminal.
Liberals throwing everything they can to disrupt the trump agenda! White supremacist a joke!
Don’t forget that we also hate women.
That’s it…..I hate Hillary because
I’m a self hating white racist…..Trumps Orange so its all good
Hahahahaha wtf
Hillary’s loss was due to Hillary being an idiotic snob.
I,am tired of all this racist$#%&!@* The,democrats are a total disgrace independent of Trump. What they have shown is that they could care less about America and more about their jobs AND that being a white American makes you a racist. Screw them all.
More bull s**t
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