The mainstream media can’t seem to figure out why Hillary Clinton lost in November — but they’ve got a few working theories.
According to the press, Clinton’s loss had nothing to do with her own shortcomings. It wasn’t because she failed to visit Wisconsin — a state she lost to Donald Trump — nor was it her relative lack of interest in Pennsylvania and Michigan. They also refuse to acknowledge the fact that Clinton had no platform other than attacking Trump.
Instead, they think the reasons are less obvious — and more sinister.
If you haven’t guessed it yet, they’re decided that Clinton lost because of racism.
This theory may not make much sense, since both candidates were white, but it’s not new. The media tried peddling this absurd theory long before Clinton lost.
Now that Clinton reemerged from post-election hiding, the media are once again trying to defend her loss with accusations of racism.
Read about the Washington Post’s latest racist accusations against Trump supporters on the next page:
It’s due to her criminal scandalous behavior and a murderer
No she is a criminal that is why she lost!
Heads up folks, Barney the purple dinosaur has not been mentioned yet and Thomas the really useful engine is up for consideration.
An alternate reality. The twilight zone. Do do do do. Do do do do.
Hillary lost because of Hillary! Period!
That’s bull and you snowflakes know it.
She was a bich a white bich she was white so why point the finger at other whites
What? Confused!
These frauds actually believe there a privileged group. They are the parasitic bottoms feeders that disseminate doctored opinions that There masters promote.Independent journalism is a thing of fiction. Unethical propaganda is the direction of the major media outlets today. A few large media giants pick the winners and losers. They picked a fraud whose lack of integrity and corrupt political agendas failed miserably. This wasn’t the plan , it was never supposed to happen . All the decades of planning where in place to create a socialist state and Globalist hegemony.Then fate stepped in , whether through some divine action or pure luck we got the WILD CARD . A brash over the top individual who loved the country. His lack of eloquent erudite speech and his personal style is refreshing to the American people . He is in effect the only person who could thwart the cartels plans.His earnest approach is sublime and effortless for him. The social warriors are girding themselves for war. The toadies are in attack mode now. The resolute corruption is obvious and transparent. Truly Donald J Trump is the apex figure they will attempt to destroy.They will fail and never return to the influence they once Knew.President Trump has shown his mettle today with the proper response to the Barbaric Syrian actions.GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP AND AMERICA.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!