The mainstream media can’t seem to figure out why Hillary Clinton lost in November — but they’ve got a few working theories.
According to the press, Clinton’s loss had nothing to do with her own shortcomings. It wasn’t because she failed to visit Wisconsin — a state she lost to Donald Trump — nor was it her relative lack of interest in Pennsylvania and Michigan. They also refuse to acknowledge the fact that Clinton had no platform other than attacking Trump.
Instead, they think the reasons are less obvious — and more sinister.
If you haven’t guessed it yet, they’re decided that Clinton lost because of racism.
This theory may not make much sense, since both candidates were white, but it’s not new. The media tried peddling this absurd theory long before Clinton lost.
Now that Clinton reemerged from post-election hiding, the media are once again trying to defend her loss with accusations of racism.
Read about the Washington Post’s latest racist accusations against Trump supporters on the next page:
Surely even the WP isn’t that stupid.
Yeah, those same racists who elected a black failure. Twice.
It couldn’t be that she is a crooked, evil women, could it ?
White stupidity….hers!
She is a racist fascist she will use any body to get what she wants I’m glad Americans voted her down
NO Hillary it was cause YOU ARE A CROOKED LYING CORRUPT CRIMINAL !!! Who cares about NO ONE about herself
I guess it had something to do with her being a$#%&!@* Hate to see her picture anywhere.
I wonder how our black Brothers and Sisters who support the Trump administration feel about these ignorant comments.
keep on blaming whitey! Way to pull together, written by a black writer!