The mainstream media can’t seem to figure out why Hillary Clinton lost in November — but they’ve got a few working theories.
According to the press, Clinton’s loss had nothing to do with her own shortcomings. It wasn’t because she failed to visit Wisconsin — a state she lost to Donald Trump — nor was it her relative lack of interest in Pennsylvania and Michigan. They also refuse to acknowledge the fact that Clinton had no platform other than attacking Trump.
Instead, they think the reasons are less obvious — and more sinister.
If you haven’t guessed it yet, they’re decided that Clinton lost because of racism.
This theory may not make much sense, since both candidates were white, but it’s not new. The media tried peddling this absurd theory long before Clinton lost.
Now that Clinton reemerged from post-election hiding, the media are once again trying to defend her loss with accusations of racism.
Read about the Washington Post’s latest racist accusations against Trump supporters on the next page:
I thought it was Russia ?
Another whinny lie from Clinton.
WAIT, Wait, wait. How many times have we been told, “There is no such thing as white racism, because whites are in the majority.”?
Uhm$#%&!@*is also white
You lost because of your lying,cheating, deceitful,liberal way you retard. We the people don’t want to give up our god given rights to please someone that hates us.
Wait last I checked she was white . Or is she now Muslim
Illegals don’t go to America to improve it, illegals go to America to have anchor babies and work for this witch, may god forgives this evil woman, because she doesn’t know the rule of God,$#%&!@*the law, the law is wrong, and breakable, but it has to be broken for the better$#%&!@* the good, for the people of America, these roaches are having kids of opportunism, foodstamps, free care, and who the$#%&!@*pays it? THE AMERICANS, yes they are poor because a fucking mexican decided to get pregnant and drop a baby on the shore of el rio grande
Sr, fucking mexicans are racist too, fucking asians, and fucking muslims,,they are in America, they should be grateful for that, but nop, they are invading
Racism had nothing to do with it. The American people voted to keep our country free. And remove the corruption in our government. The Russians had nothing to do with it.
There was nothing to due with any kind of racism when Killary lost! We the people realized how bad Killary really is!!!!
Um, last I checked, she’s white.