Liberals like to say that Barack Obama was the worst-treated president in history but compared to the way they’re treating Donald Trump, Obama was treated like nothing less than a saint.
This much has been obvious to anybody outside of the left-wing bubble, but in the topsy-turvy world inhabited by progressives, Obama has been left for the hounds while Trump is being sheltered from any and all criticism. Nevermind that Trump has been every nameĀ under the sun even when the reasons given for calling him such are unfounded while the media has bent over backwards to scrutinize even Saturday Night Live sketches that were mildly critical of Obama: it’s the latter who has had a rough time!
So entrenched is the hatred of Trump that the forces of the establishment are actively plotting to end his presidency before it even begins, something that the current White House occupant had to deal with.
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Obama was not treated bad because conservatives and Democrats don’t treat him bad. He always have favor with the press so I don’t know where their b******t comes from
Idiots for sure!
Off with the Lib’s head!
American citizens should be very concerned about politicians who are trying to destroy the citizens choice for President! These politicians want to promote a global order that will impoverish all but the self appointed oligarchs.
Look at your own Twitter feed, journalists, and you will see how irrelevant social media has made you. We already read it, before you report it; so think of something useful to do.
Don’t mess with God… He put him on there and u need to back off!
Term limits need to be implemented ASAP.
By ballot or bullet we will have our country back
Wish in one hand and$#%&!@*in the other. See which one gets full the fastest, Trump is here to stay. Deal with it you whiney puss