Just moments after Antonin Scalia’s untimely death, D.C. was lit aflame with controversy over the nomination of his replacement. Republicans said that a replacement should be appointed by the next President, and the Democrats responded by attacking the GOP’s actions as unconstitutional.
Never one to fall out of step with her party, Elizabeth Warren unsurprisingly sided with her fellow Democrats, going so far as to accuse Republican love for the constitution was nothing more than “empty talk.”
If Warren truly had the grasp of the Constitution she claims she has, she would acknowledge the fact that sending someone to the Supreme Court is a two-branch process, not just the Presidents’.
She may be right, the American people did have a say in the nomination process when they elected Barack Obama to the oval office, but they also had a say when they acknowledged their mistake and sent the President a Republican Senate just two years later.
Somehow, though, she doesn’t seem to agree. See her full statement on the next page:
The Democrats are claiming the GOP is being unconstitutional!?!? Have they been awake during the past few years!!
F**k warren
all this mess of our goverment is horrible and i think these adults need to figure it out nice adn neatly and happily how to run this land with out these ads on the arguments of this nations officals back and forth every day in and day out about all of the things dealing with the running of this nation.
But nothing said about obuners unconstitutional acts. She’s an idiot.
No, it’s not.
Says the phones 1/64th. Indian
Checks & balances. Otherwise Obama would be king.
guess some don’t understand the constitution.
Cruz is hated by all politicians in the house and senate – how effective can that kind of president be? He is a cunning lawyer, an eloquent and convincing speaker, but he has never run a business – none of them have. Rubio is also very convincing but do we need yet again an inexperienced president. Bush, well he’s a sad case and certainly not his brother – I think we have already had our 8 year full of being embarrassed of our president. Nice guys, but not a good presidential choice.
WE THE PEOPLE need a businessman as president because the same ole same ole politician’s way of fixing society’s problems with government hand out money programs, never fixes anything, it just grows a bigger government, national debt, and regulations that send corporations packing.
Trump, and the team of great men/women he will appoint to important governmental positions, WILL cause effect and change and get this country back on its feet and restore America to a better place. No matter how nice a guy the other candidates are, America needs a fearless businessman. Trump is smarter and more savvy than all the candidates tossed together – and that is what America needs now.
Any other person in that Oval Office would mean disaster for this country, especially hillary. Time to unite behind Trump if you really want to help America. Don’t buy into the hype, no one wants to see him get in except WE THE PEOPLE – that should speak volumes. Trump has been on the defensive ever since he entered this race, far more than any of the other politicians. The Establishment, medias, RNC, Pacs, DNC, Lobbies, etc. only want their puppet crony politicians in. America is a government ‘by the people and for the people’ – we need the president of ‘our’ choice, or this whole election is just one big f**e – just like the same ole, same ole ones of the past.