Just moments after Antonin Scalia’s untimely death, D.C. was lit aflame with controversy over the nomination of his replacement. Republicans said that a replacement should be appointed by the next President, and the Democrats responded by attacking the GOP’s actions as unconstitutional.
Never one to fall out of step with her party, Elizabeth Warren unsurprisingly sided with her fellow Democrats, going so far as to accuse Republican love for the constitution was nothing more than “empty talk.”
If Warren truly had the grasp of the Constitution she claims she has, she would acknowledge the fact that sending someone to the Supreme Court is a two-branch process, not just the Presidents’.
She may be right, the American people did have a say in the nomination process when they elected Barack Obama to the oval office, but they also had a say when they acknowledged their mistake and sent the President a Republican Senate just two years later.
Somehow, though, she doesn’t seem to agree. See her full statement on the next page:
Bitch be brain dead !
Didn’t she claim she was a native American to get money from the government?
We need to charge high rates with very high taxation on all crossing the borders into the nation,coming in by jet,ship,military,corporation,migrant,illegal,immigrant,foreign workers with life time work visas.foreign exchange students,charter school persons,What it cost tax payers by drug war,police state,spy state,illegal drugs sales,medical cost,mental health cost,1 out of 99 in cages,outsourcing,downsizing,closures,collapsing infrastructure,tuition increases,,inflation,debt,foreigners with no taxes for businesses,the extra supply and demand,budget deficits,climate change,overpopulation,war on terror,and myriads more all added up and Charged to each individual past from the last 45 years,present,and future foreign exchange student,migrant,illegal,foreigners with work visas,immigrant,business trip corporate,banking,and government persons,vacationer,ambassador,and like at the exact rate of how many were and are allowed in plus interest matching the inflation,debt,tax rate,and other cost equally for one and all of them..Give them the same American Dream we have letting them pay their own way..Demand immediate action via laws,legislation,policies,regulations,petitions etc enforced by boycotts of all against it..The Politicians,Lobbyist,Corporations etc cannot be against it because we have 100 million not counted after running out of unemployment,mass poverty because of it with very severe increases,mass homeless,mass suicide,and more proving they do not give a$#%&!@*about sanity or life of anyone..Demand it internationally and via the United nations..
Go to hell, stupid.
take a hike, moron
Look at his likely nominee loretta lynch, are you kidding me, this should be for the next pres to decide.
And just who in this administration is reading or following the constitution??
Doesn’t she have a pow wow to attend?