Just moments after Antonin Scalia’s untimely death, D.C. was lit aflame with controversy over the nomination of his replacement. Republicans said that a replacement should be appointed by the next President, and the Democrats responded by attacking the GOP’s actions as unconstitutional.
Never one to fall out of step with her party, Elizabeth Warren unsurprisingly sided with her fellow Democrats, going so far as to accuse Republican love for the constitution was nothing more than “empty talk.”
If Warren truly had the grasp of the Constitution she claims she has, she would acknowledge the fact that sending someone to the Supreme Court is a two-branch process, not just the Presidents’.
She may be right, the American people did have a say in the nomination process when they elected Barack Obama to the oval office, but they also had a say when they acknowledged their mistake and sent the President a Republican Senate just two years later.
Somehow, though, she doesn’t seem to agree. See her full statement on the next page:
But it was ok for the democrats to oppose bush. Its ok if you a democract
moron get your facts straight what a fucking idiot you are
That’s rich. Anyone on the democratic side of this administration talking about something being unconstitutional.
As a US Senator, Barack Obama never once voted to confirm a Supreme Court nominee of George W Bush. Senator Obama once said, “There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have complete authority to appoint his nominee…that once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question as to whether the judge should be confirmed. I disagree with this view.”
NO it is not .. You would think she was smarter than that ……… During the 110th Congress, the Democratic leadership of the Senate specifically blocked Republican President George W. Bush from making any recess appointments with the use of pro forma sessions.
In 1960 the Senate passed a resolution stating that it was the sense of the Senate that recess appointments to the Supreme Court should not be made except under unusual circumstances.[15] Being a resolution, it has no legally binding effect, but was intended as an expression of the position of the Senate and as a guide to executive actions. The resolution passed by a vote of 48 to 37, mainly along party lines.[15] [16]
What do liberals know about the constitution? Have you heard of the second amendment rights? Oh that’s right you have because that’s the one you idiots want to take away from us so you can take over the country.
what would you know$#%&!@* you democrap are all full of$#%&!@*
That day will be like a birthday to me ..
But it is the RIGHT thing to do, and you damn well know it!