Elizabeth Warren is asserting herself into the feud regarding Scalia’s replacement on the Supreme Court, and she’s taking the fight directly to the GOP.
In response to reports that Scalia had died, some Republicans — including several presidential candidates and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell(R.-Ky.)— issued statements insisting that the court’s seat should be left vacant until the next president is elected.
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on Sunday:
“The sudden death of Justice Scalia creates an immediate vacancy on the most important court in the United States.
Senator McConnell is right that the American people should have a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court justice. In fact, they did — when President Obama won the 2012 election by five million votes.
Article II Section 2 of the Constitution says the President of the United States nominates justices to the Supreme Court, with the advice and consent of the Senate. I can’t find a clause that says “…except when there’s a year left in the term of a Democratic President.”
Senate Republicans took an oath just like Senate Democrats did. Abandoning the duties they swore to uphold would threaten both the Constitution and our democracy itself. It would also prove that all the Republican talk about loving the Constitution is just that — empty talk.”
Source: Attn
Its interesting how quickly Warren is willing to give up her power in the nomination process when the President happens to be on her side. Lets see how willing she is to do just that when the next president — a Republican president — sends her appointments with which she disagrees. It’s likely she’d very quickly change her tune.
How would Senator Obama have felt about Senator Warren’s assessment? Well….
But Obama struck a much different tone as a senator in 2006 during the confirmation hearings for Bush nominee Samuel Alito.
“Senator McConnell is right that the American people should have a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court justice. In fact, they did — when President Obama won the 2012 election by five million votes,” Warren said in a Saturday Facebook post. She later claimed that Republicans’ opposition to Obama’s eventual nominee was “a threat to our democracy itself.”
In contrast to Warren’s argument now, then-Senator Obama categorically rejected the argument that the nomination debate ended when President Bush “won the election.” During Alito’s confirmation hearings, Obama took the senate floor to say: “There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have complete authority to appoint his nominee…that once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question as to whether the judge should be confirmed. I disagree with this view.”
Source: Daily Caller
dumb bitch
I agréé sir
Say NO To DemoRats in 2016 Vote for Trump save our country Getto Trash and Killary in Prison vote Trump
Obama supports ISIS and helped create them with training and providing weapons as well as aid and comfort to known and accepted enemies of this nation and its citizens so he is needing to be arrested tried for his crimes and if found guilty punished to the fullest extent allowed by law up to and including execution.
Show me in the constitution where it says that? Balance of powers Lizzie remember? Obama can name a nominee for consideration. Congress gets to decide it. I just hope this narcissist president puts Anerica before his “legacy” ambitions and puts forward a qualified list of names who also put the American people ahead of party politics.