The Democrats are getting so desperate to find anything to complain about Donald Trump that they are resorting to criminalizing associations he has made simply so they can accuse him of breaking the law.
From obsessing over comments made in private passing over a decade ago to claiming that he is a Russian agent who will destroy the United States, there is nothing too ridiculous or petty for liberals to do in order to delegitimize Trump. In a way, this is actually a blessing in disguise as it exposes the left for the unprincipled charlatans they really are, as they don’t even pretend to care what they say about the president-elect so long as it paints him in a bad light.
The only thing that matters to progressives is defeating Trump, and if they can do that by removing him from office all the better in their eyes.
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Why? They’ve been investigated once for recieving government funds for their business.
She is an air fluffed idiot!
now we have clown Warren like usual and she wants to talk about Impeachment on our president where was she when bumbo shoud of been impeached she needs to be impeached another democrat threat and more to come with there lies and being trouble makers she must dream these things up the democrats our so pathetic and pitiful there sickening hope they grow up soon and realize people do not want anything to do with the democrats anymore they have showed everyone what there all about if there going to act like children they dont need to be elected for anything or a part of running our country hell they cannot run there own party
Shoot the$#%&!@*….
Is she still here? This lady must be so bored – she obviously is fascinated with Trump, she can’t stop taking about him.
She’s a joke
man i got to tel ya ill never vote for any moron all dumbassacrat but some reoublicans to like mccain god example
She is certifiably crazy!
Screw this crazy$#%&!@*!
A hag just a hag