The Democrats are getting so desperate to find anything to complain about Donald Trump that they are resorting to criminalizing associations he has made simply so they can accuse him of breaking the law.
From obsessing over comments made in private passing over a decade ago to claiming that he is a Russian agent who will destroy the United States, there is nothing too ridiculous or petty for liberals to do in order to delegitimize Trump. In a way, this is actually a blessing in disguise as it exposes the left for the unprincipled charlatans they really are, as they don’t even pretend to care what they say about the president-elect so long as it paints him in a bad light.
The only thing that matters to progressives is defeating Trump, and if they can do that by removing him from office all the better in their eyes.
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She’s pissed. Circle the wagons!
Pocahontas is loco
She’s got no creditability none! Just a old hateful$#%&!@*
I will respond in terminology my mother would have used. “Go fuddle a duck.”
We need to do something to put this ole woman out to pasture. I mean honestly she’s always thinking up ways to disturb Trump. Enough is enough get to work on policy making and stop the craziness or get the hell out of Congress she’s a waste of space and time.
Will someone please shut these ignorant pos libtards the$#%&!@*up slap that$#%&!@*with a gag order seriously what the$#%&!@*is she supposed to be doing for her position I’m sure it’s not to spend tax dollars with this kind of crazy c**p give me a break already how much time and money wasted on psycho b******t
Has this stupid woman got a screw lose in her head ?
Lie-awatha attempts to strike again….and who is going to sign her bill into law and who is going to pass it. More grandstanding for the complicit media. Take your tomahawk and crawl back into your tent.