It’s time for Congress to confirm Donald Trump’s nominees for his cabinet, but Democrats in both houses of the legislature are doing their best to make sure that doesn’t happen.
With many vowing to oppose Trump on virtually everything he proposes, it is no surprise that liberals are refusing to even countenance voting for any of the people he appoints to his administration. Like the Republican president-elect himself, they view them as inherently toxic and thus to be opposed on principle. In fact, the only principle that the left seems to have left (no pun intended) these days is thwarting Trump at every turn.
And while one can indeed argue for or against Trump’s nominees on the basis of their qualifications and positions, progressives are interested in dismissing them merely on account of being tied to Trump, something that makes said individuals suspect in their eyes.
See video of Congress grilling HUD nominee Ben Carson on the next page:
What a idiot. Chief spreading bull has lost it
What a Freak of Nature!!!!!
Did anyone else notice that she kept saying President “elect”? That woman is totally in denial!
So Warren thought Carson was a Democrat like her? LMAO. The Indian dude-chick is a bigger moron than Pelosi….
Obama’s Muslim infiltrated government.
Now at work! The American Government has been tainted with Anti-American operatives for the last 8yrs.
***** Warning ******
Obama and his Infiltrated Liberal and Progressive minions are the National threat.
Obama now knows intimate secrets about Americans Military and it’s weaknesses and passing this information to his other Anti-American operatives like Iran.
Obama and his minions reign of terror is just beginning.
The AM:
Not only has Obama given Iran billions of dollars as part of his phony nuclear deal, he’s approved a huge shipment of uranium to Iran that could be enriched to make nuclear weapons:
Obama’s Final Gift: Unsatisfied with stoking the fiery cauldrons of Islamic fundamentalism with his weak-kneed response during his eight-year tenure, Barack Obama has now enabled Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, to speed ever-closer toward successful attainment of nuclear weapons, approving a secret delivery of roughly 130 tons of uranium for the fundamentalist Iranian regime.
The Treasonous Muslim Obama’s sole purpose has always been to weaken and destroy America internally… He is now working on a bigger coalition to continue his Anti-American destruction now he is out. Obama’s Muslim brotherhood is continuing and has been pouring across the border for the last 8 years and now hundreds of thousands shipped here as refugees to wreak havoc on America. Fits Right into Obama’s Plan…Obama’s has infiltrated his puppets into the FBI, DOJ and the IRS!!! Which are now lawless criminal government entities. Floods America with his Muslim Brotherhood, continuous attempt disarm True American Citizens and neutralize the American police. Emboldment of every criminal and Anti-American element on the planet. America is in peril and being attacked by Liberals, progressives and Islamist snakes internally. Hillary Clinton was the Continuation of Obama’s systematic destruction of America. Eventually Liberalism, Progressivism and Islam will be BANNED IN ALL Westernized countries!
Fight back or be devoured!
They truly have warped minds, from all their crooked ways and practices!
what a annoying little pis ant
Theu know how lib govt works of course.
What hidden business?