Matthew Doyle stopped a Muslin woman on a London street and challenged her to “explain Brussels,” referring to the bomb attacks on the Belgian capital’s main airport and Metro system. The woman said “nothing to do with you” and walked away ending the encounter.
That evening, Doyle, 46, a partner at a London-based talent and PR agency reported the encounter in a tweet. Immediately he received a flood of angry, hate-filled responses.
Go to the next page to find out what happened to Matthew Doyle.
Read the article, this happened in Europe. They are much further along in the losing freedoms department 😉
I don’t disagree with your statement, but if you read the article you would know this happened in europe, not the US.
Talking to a Muslim is a waste
Of your time !!
THE TRUMP POWERFUL ADVISERS; AND moderate views NEGATIVE EVIDENCE, HAD PROVOKEDTHE PRESENT POLITICAL CRISIS , & CRIMINAL PARTICIPATION AGAINST TRUMP; IT IS A WORSE CONDITION THAN MEDIA HAD EXPECTED . the Republican Party OPPOSITION FEAR & URGED REPUBLICAN FOLLOWERS NOT TO TAKE PART IN THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP/ THE PARTY had been penetrated by frightened hostile radical groups had given evidence of continuing hostility toward our constitution law and the USA government./ it is political movements to bring political changes /who are very sympathetic to their only concern is to protect the 12 million or more of illegal foreign immigrants people are hidden inside the nationwide all the 50 states and Puerto RICO///THE radical left rejecting any accommodation with the DONALD TRUMP THE NEXT FUTURE USA PRESIDENT ///
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Luis Barreto Lugo
Luis Barreto Lugo MSNBC ,use their media outlets to spread outrageous big lie libels against Donald J. Trump it is a conspiracy to maintain forgery….
Rich Banks …our freedom…is a figure of speech. Europe or here.
Don’t come around me then I answer to God
Going to use this Robby…
Feel free Doni , It is an opinion contrived by a cantankerous old Scot who still believes in those freedoms crafted and conceived by the founding fathers.
Big Brother is watching you!!!!! Orwell tried to warn us.