Syrian Refugees to Get Additional Vetting
It is unbelievable that Obama and the federal government would consider the welfare of U.S. citizens to be less important than that of Muslim refugees, and it raises serious questions about his priorities and relationship with the “religion of peace,” especially given the recent bloody attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California.
And his imperial, disdainful attitude towards states rights and their concerns about the safety of their citizens is another example of his unwillingness to consider the safety of Americans first. How refreshing, then, to hear Rep. Casada speak out and demand accountability and rational thinking before simply accepting the program the president has pompously demanded the people accept.
“THE ISIS headquarters said they are embedding terrorists with refugees and they’re coming to the U.S. The FBI director today said that we may have missed those that are associated with ISIS or are ISIS trained that are currently in the country in our vetting process. All I can do is let those two statements stand,” Casada says.
“I’m talking about sending them back to ICE,” he adds.
Breitbart News asked how Casada wanted the Tennessee National Guard to deal with the 30 Syrian refugees settled in Tennessee last year by Catholic Charities of Tennessee.
“Based on the FBI and ISIS statements, I am greatly concerned they, these 30 Syrian refugees, need to be re-vetted in depth and go back to ICE if they don’t pass that re-vetting.”
Casada set off a firestorm Tuesday when he told the Tennessean, “We need to activate the Tennessee National Guard and stop them [Syrian refugees] from coming in to the state by whatever means we can,” Casada told the Tennessean on Tuesday.
“I’m not worried about what a bureaucrat in D.C. or an unelected judge thinks. … We need to gather (Syrian refugees) up and politely take them back to the ICE center and say, ‘They’re not coming to Tennessee, they’re yours,’” Casada added.
Why should one man, president Obama, be allowed to put all Tennesseans in harms way, or to ignore the fear the people are logically feeling? These refugees are not coming to Obama’s neighborhood, and when the next attack comes, as it surely must, he will not be the one to pay the price for his reckless program.
According to recent reports, 1,651 refugees were settled in the state of Tennessee in 2015, with many from Syria, Somalia, and Iraq. Would that there were more government representatives like Casada who actually believed and acted on the Constitutional mandate to keep U.S. citizens safe. Unfortunately, Obama seems to think of himself as a “world citizen” and so his political priorities seem to be anywhere but America.
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Military wake up!
Arrest him now!
I wish our governor in Ohio would have this much backbone. I wish all the states would have this much backbone. This guys got big Nards! We have to do something.
That’s OK, all of these heavily armed rednecks around here will take care of that soon enough. The government has failed us and WE the people will set things right.
At last. An American Patriot. Maybe the start of something. Watch for Obama to take legal action against this movement. Perhaps arrest the Representative for crimes against the American People. Martial Law is still looming and Obama is licking his chops over these kind of oppositions to justify it.
Protect our citizens.
How did they get a real governor ??? Ours sucks !