Senator Ted Cruz is acknowledged as the de-facto conservative voice in the 2016 Campaign for President. Many Trump supporters would disagree.
Despite this schism, Ted Cruz has donned the mantle of “Donald Slayer” and now puffs out his chest declaring The Donald as a coward, etc…
The whole debacle really got rolling because of Liz Mair’s anti-Trump, Pro Ted Cruz website Make America Awesome Again. This Ted Cruz SuperPAC posted pictures of Donald’s wife, Melania Trump first. They are so uncreative in Liz Mair’s shop, they attacked The Donald’s wife.
What the heck do you think happens when you attack The Donald’s wife? The Donald hits back.
Ted Cruz is content to hide behind the old “We don’t communicate with PACS” line but the Senator still hasn’t publicly rebuked Liz Mair for firing the first shot.
See the next page for why Ted Cruz is going to lose the War on Wives against The Donald.
Go Trump! Say no to Lying Ted!
ENOUGH!!!! Get on with the business of running for THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!
Lycrusia Jackson I think America needs a bully either way Cruz has some answering to do and Trump has been more than fully vetted…
Trump all the way,
Politicians need to have a SUPERPAC meeting with instructions on “How to control their bad little weiners”!
Yo, Idiots. Clinton or Sanders would pack the Supreme Court with activist traitors & destroy America. One of you MUST become president. Stop the kindergarten c**p, talk policies & fry the vile Democrats.
Not so it will be we, the voters, that are for oMr. Trump that will do the trample job on Teddy boy.
Just putting facts out there for you, vote who you think will make this a better world , me Iam tried of all the lies that these people do! America has been knock down it time for me to vote Trump an let’s Make America Great!
They do what ever they want and the only person whom gets called out us Trump he is just tired of all the bs