Senator Ted Cruz is acknowledged as the de-facto conservative voice in the 2016 Campaign for President. Many Trump supporters would disagree.
Despite this schism, Ted Cruz has donned the mantle of “Donald Slayer” and now puffs out his chest declaring The Donald as a coward, etc…
The whole debacle really got rolling because of Liz Mair’s anti-Trump, Pro Ted Cruz website Make America Awesome Again. This Ted Cruz SuperPAC posted pictures of Donald’s wife, Melania Trump first. They are so uncreative in Liz Mair’s shop, they attacked The Donald’s wife.
What the heck do you think happens when you attack The Donald’s wife? The Donald hits back.
Ted Cruz is content to hide behind the old “We don’t communicate with PACS” line but the Senator still hasn’t publicly rebuked Liz Mair for firing the first shot.
See the next page for why Ted Cruz is going to lose the War on Wives against The Donald.
Not even if hell freezes over.
Please. Trump is the freaking biggest crybaby bully democrap running on He is a cheating pos
(Bill Still you tube Amanda Carpenter)More women coming out. Ted Cruz better clean out the dog house.
Debates are stupid and for the lying, cheating, corupt politicians , to trash one another! Waste of time, trump had a fund raising event for our veterans, and donated millions of dollars ! That’s a lot more important in Americans eye’s then loser, debates !! Cowards, that killary and lying,loser cruz ! Trumps Rallys talk about the issue’s without the mud slinging from loser cruzer and lying corupt killary, obama puppet ! Trump to the white house, isis dead, wall to secure our borders, illegals, deported, and killary+ obama in prison for treason, and obamacare gone ! And our military and veterans taken care of FIRST, instead of illeges getting everything for FREE ! Ameicans first, not last ! Go trump ! Make America great and support for our police officers and ALL LIVES MATTER !
This is so childish what does it have to do with running for president, and supporters that are encouraging it on both sides, lets get back to our countries problems, so far its trump and Cruz!!
TRUMP is not a Johnny-Come-Lately! He is a Seasoned, Time Tried and Brilliant Negoiator, Arbitrator and Center of Influence throughout the WORLD! He knows on a First Name Basis most Foreign Leaders and they Respect his Abilites..So who do you do you want for the next President? Another Golfer, A Pathological Liar and Killer, A Brain Dead Socialist that wants to give away the Country, or Maybe, Just Maybe we can Elect a True Leader this TIME!
Never Ted. Never.
Cruz guilty of voter fraud and just another lying bought off lobbyed off lying politician supported by Soros millions and a sleezebag claiming to be a Christian but belongs to a CULT religion A LIAR LIAR AND JUST LIKE BILL CLINTON
Dawnella Sides-Weaver could be I haven’t looked. The way I see it the presidency has been promised to Hillary… And she will probably win. As for Trump he was a surprise that the establishment never planned for and underestimated.