Senator Ted Cruz is acknowledged as the de-facto conservative voice in the 2016 Campaign for President. Many Trump supporters would disagree.
Despite this schism, Ted Cruz has donned the mantle of “Donald Slayer” and now puffs out his chest declaring The Donald as a coward, etc…
The whole debacle really got rolling because of Liz Mair’s anti-Trump, Pro Ted Cruz website Make America Awesome Again. This Ted Cruz SuperPAC posted pictures of Donald’s wife, Melania Trump first. They are so uncreative in Liz Mair’s shop, they attacked The Donald’s wife.
What the heck do you think happens when you attack The Donald’s wife? The Donald hits back.
Ted Cruz is content to hide behind the old “We don’t communicate with PACS” line but the Senator still hasn’t publicly rebuked Liz Mair for firing the first shot.
See the next page for why Ted Cruz is going to lose the War on Wives against The Donald.
The Cruz’s are from hell!
Maybe so, but if the super pac supports him, then it will define him. It doesn’t matter, he needs to denounce his super pac then. Morals, right?
#Hillary started it.
To the evil people of the world, I would bet it would seem so.
I have a large bridge in the Arizona desert to sell you.
Trump attacks Cruz wife ,what a wimp, he is married to a stripper ,the world knows the naked body of trumps wife , and that what going to the White House?
Cruz is act like a kid grow up !
Ted Cruz asked for it and he’s going get hit back hard !
When someone attacks your wife you must strike back. Don’t blame Trump ,Teddy. Get your act under control !
Sounds like maybe Cruz and his wife are another Clinton couple.